"the number of young men entering seminaries is falling, and a survey suggests that more than half of the country's serving priests would like to do away with celibacy to have a wife and family."
I really do not see the issue here. After going to catholic school for 14 years (pre-k-12), you see a lot of priests..These guys need a life as well. They are so many things to so many people. They need
"What worries me is the number of priests who are living a second life that is working as a Catholic priest which presumes to be a celibate, and at the same time having an affair with a woman,"
"What worries me is the number of priests who are living a second life that is working as a Catholic priest which presumes to be a celibate, and at the same time having an affair with a woman,"
It wouldn't be an "affair" if it were legal.
This is a very touchy subject, but I do feel the same way many poles do....
This is a very touchy subject, but I do feel the same way many poles do....
"They would serve better for society if they had families, really, because they would understand more things that they are preaching about."